wxTst Namespace Reference


class  CppUnitWarningAsserter
 Prevent the need to link to CppUnit by removing include dependency. More...
class  CRAbstractTreeEvent
 Abstract tree event class with common helper methods. More...
class  CRButtonClickEvent
 Handles button click events. More...
class  CRCapture
 Provides a way of capturing GUI interaction for future test cases. More...
class  CRCaptureControl
 Handle events of capture dialog (controller in MVC concept). More...
class  CRCapturedEvent
 Abstract parent class for all events to capture of interest. More...
class  CRCheckBoxClickEvent
 Handle check box click events. More...
class  CRChoiceSelectionEvent
 Handle choice selection events. More...
class  CRCppEmitter
 Singleton emitting C++ code used for test case bootstrapping. More...
struct  CREvent
 Correlate wxEventTypes with an event name and Event Category. Used in platform event maps to relate the native event types to wxEvents Note that with wx 2.9 event types are all dynamically assigned in common/events.cpp. More...
class  CREventCaptureManager
 Manages the event filtering for C&R capturing (Singleton pattern). More...
class  CREventFactory
 Factory for creating appropriate event instances depending on the given concrete event type. More...
class  CREventFilterInterface
 Declare interface for event filtering required by capturing. More...
class  CRLogInterface
 Logging target interface. More...
class  CRMenuSelectionEvent
 Handles menu (item) selection events. More...
class  CRNativeEvent
 Abstract base class for native event data capture and synthesis. More...
class  CRNotebookPageChangeEvent
 Handle notebook page change events. More...
class  CRRadioBoxSelectionEvent
 Handle radio box selection events. More...
class  CRSliderUpdateEvent
 Handle slider update events. More...
class  CRSpinCtrlUpdateEvent
 Handle spin control update events (standard + double typed one). More...
class  CRTextUpdateEvent
 Handles text update events. More...
class  CRTreeItemRightClickEvent
 Handle tree item right click events. More...
class  CRTreeSelectionChangingEvent
 Handle tree selection changing events - note: changed vs. changing. More...
class  CRVtkCapture
 Provides a way of capturing GUI interaction for future test cases. More...
class  CRVtkCaptureControl
 Handle events of capture dialog (controller in MVC concept). More...
class  CRWindowHierarchyHandler
 Handles queries about window hierarchy allowing to uniquely symbolically identify controls for C&R (Singleton pattern). More...
class  EventSimulationHelper
 Provides methods for simulating control specific events. More...
class  InitWxGuiTest
 "Package" all registered wxWidgets GUI tests in decorated shape. More...
class  InitWxGuiTestSetUp
 Initialise GUI part of wxWidgets library exactly once before running first GUI test. More...
class  ModalDialogInteractionInterface
 Instantiations of this interface can be handed over to the ModalDialogTimer to be executed after the timeout. More...
class  ModalDialogTimer
 When fired, the modal dialog interactor (if existing) is executed first, before the modal dialog is ended with the given return code. More...
class  ProvokedWarning
 Holds information semi-uniquely identifying provoked/expected warnings. More...
class  ProvokedWarningRegistry
 Manage registered provoked warnings allowing the detection of unexpected (real) test case failures. More...
class  TempInteractive
 Make the wxWidgets GUI test temporarily interactive. More...
class  TempInteractiveControl
 Handle events of dialog (controller in MVC concept). More...
class  TimedDialogEnder
 Periodical looking for a certain window (in fact a modal dialog identified by caption) to close/end. More...
class  VtkWxGuiTestHelper
 Helper methods for wxVtk interaction recording (Singleton pattern). More...
class  WarningAsserterInterface
 Prevent the need to link to CppUnit by removing include dependency. More...
class  WxGuiTestApp
 Control & do running of wxWidgets GUI CppUnit tests. More...
class  WxGuiTestHelper
 Provides some convenience or helper methods for wxGui test cases. More...
class  WxVtkInteractorEventRecorder
 Record and play VTK events passing through wxVtkRenderWindowInteractors. More...


typedef std::map< wxEventType,
typedef unsigned int CREventMask


enum  CREventCat {
  Undefined = 0x0, System = 0x1, AppManipulation = 0x1 << 1, WindowManipulation = 0x1 << 2,
  MouseEvent = 0x1 << 3, KeyEvent = 0x1 << 4, HotKeyEvent = 0x1 << 5, MenuEvent = 0x1 << 6,
  MDIEvent = 0x1 << 7, ClipboardEvent = 0x1 << 8, Command = 0x1 << 9, TextEvent = 0x1 << 10
 Mask values for setting event masks in platform event classes. More...


wxEvtHandler EVT_TIMER (-1, TimedDialogEnder::OnTimer) END_EVENT_TABLE() TimedDialogEnder
 IMPLEMENT_CLASS (TimedDialogEnder, wxEvtHandler) BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(TimedDialogEnder
 vtkCxxRevisionMacro (WxVtkInteractorEventRecorder,"$Revision: 1.5 $")

Typedef Documentation

typedef std::map<wxEventType, CREvent> wxTst::CREventMap

Definition at line 62 of file CRNativeEvents.h.

typedef unsigned int wxTst::CREventMask

Definition at line 45 of file CRNativeEvents.h.

Enumeration Type Documentation

Mask values for setting event masks in platform event classes.


Definition at line 29 of file CRNativeEvents.h.

Function Documentation

wxEvtHandler wxTst::EVT_TIMER ( 1,

Definition at line 23 of file TimedDialogEnder.cpp.

wxTst::IMPLEMENT_CLASS ( TimedDialogEnder  ,

wxTst::vtkCxxRevisionMacro ( WxVtkInteractorEventRecorder  ,
"$Revision: 1.5 $"   

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Generated on Tue Mar 17 17:29:30 2009 for wxGuiTesting by doxygen 1.5.5